Első szám
Dying Words
Trouble in Red Dirt
The City of Ardatha
Children of Jaspree:
The Complete Works of K'ree Pela'Zai
Második szám
Mystic Warrior
Children of Jaspree
- Qural
Harmadik Szám
Bed of Thorns
The Spy
T'skrang Trouble
Negyedik Szám
Concerning The Weather of Barsaive
Shelter From The Storm
Combat Mage
Children of Jaspree
- pencarrig
- jacoti
From Upandal's Forge
Ötödik Szám
Thicker Than Water
Nights of Desire
Days of Vengeance
The Windsong
Children of Jaspree
- Kwaltec
- Tonduy
The Songsmith
Hatodik Szám
The Opening of Kaer Kalin
Legend: The Stolen Sword
Test of Courage
For Such Is The Truth
Hetedik Szám
Tesrae Ti'Serenmistishsa
Nyolcadik Szám
The Town of Woes
Setting Up a Campaign
Children of Jaspree - kiveve edex
The Pointless Swords
The Wandering Swordsman
Longhope's Legacy
Kilencedik Szám
Swamp Creatures (linfait leforditva)
Night Crawler
Mystic Warrior Knacks